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Real Church

In and Out Reach Team

About This Training

REAL Church has done an amazing job blessing our international neighbors with holiday blessings and food! In the hopes that we will be able to meet in person with international students again this coming fall, the In & Out Reach Team has worked with EveryInternational to put together a six session training video series to help us prepare for the adventure.

The International Student Ministry Video Training will take place Wednesday evenings from 7 – 8 pm, beginning May 12. You will be able to join us via Zoom or in person at Hospitality Center for Chinese.

Each video is between 10 and 20 minutes long and ends with a few questions for discussion. During the training sessions we will also take time for fellowship and prayer.

Topics will include:

  • Loving the Foreigner: Severin shares about internationals who had their lives changed by Christians who welcomed and discipled them.
  • Understanding and Reaching Chinese Students: Learn to build relationships with Chinese students and connect them to Jesus.
  • Understanding and Reaching South Asians: Learn the ways in which you can build friendships with these students by exploring their culture.
  • Understanding and Reaching Muslims: Davood, a former Muslim, guides you through what effective ministry to Muslim students looks like.
  • Writing Your Personal Testimony: Zeke teaches how you can have a powerful evangelism tool that’s with you at all times.
  • Becoming Aware of Your Own Culture: Marc shares how being aware of your culture will make you a more effective minister of the gospel.

We are hoping that these classes will help you better reach all of your international neighbors with the love of Jesus.

Note: In order to access lessons you must first create an account and then enroll in the course by clicking the "Take This Course" button.

Lessons (6)

What You'll Learn

  • God's heart for the nations
  • How God can use you to make an eternal impact
  • Awareness of culture, including your own
  • How to share your faith with people from various cultures

Discover Our Lessons

Meet the Ministry Leaders

Severin Profile


Severin has experienced first-hand the impact international students can have for Christ when they return home. After becoming a Christian as an international student, Severin’s sister returned to Kenya to share the gospel with him. Severin also became an international student, and his life was further transformed through discipleship abroad. With nearly 20 years of experience in ministry to internationals, Severin uses scripture to challenge and encourage others to love the foreigner as God does.

Marc profile


Marc has been in ministry for over 30 years. He is currently the director of International Student Ministry for InterVarsity. Marc shares his journey of recognizing how being a white male affects not only how he sees the world, but also how he does ministry. Learn why our posture toward others must be one of equality and mutuality, and consider the importance of ministering with internationals rather than to or for them. 

Tiffany Profile Photo


Tiffany grew up in East Asia then spent years working with Chinese students in an Ivy League school. She offers a profound historical and contemporary explanation of Chinese students in North America. Her hope is to equip you to understand this “WeChat” generation that they might become world leaders, burdened with the love of Christ.

Ryan Profile Photo


Years ago Ryan had a lot of misconceptions about India. But friendships with many South Asian students gave him a deep love for one of the least reach parts of the world. Well informed with unique insights, Ryan challenges us to be intentional and immersive learners of South Asians. Prepare to be stretched in mind and heart as you learn to take intentional steps into this wonderful and diverse culture.

Davood Profile Photo


Davood grew up as a Muslim in Central Asia but later came to Christ. In this talk he suggests that the barriers preventing Muslims from following Jesus are not primarily intellectual but emotional. He explains how to address fundamental heart issues with practical tips on sharing Jesus’ love with your Muslim friends.

Zeke Profile Photo


For over four decades, Zeke has been working with high school and university students. With grandfatherly wit and charm, he connects with people of any age and background. Zeke has developed a unique way of training people in how to utilize their personal testimony to point people to Christ. In this lesson, Zeke shares some of his tips on how to craft your story to become your most powerful ministry tool.

How will God use you in the life of an international?

EveryInternational® aims to help you grow in your confidence in befriending internationals and sharing your faith with them. After completing a course you become eligible for free distance coaching to help you continue your ministry journey.

Join EveryInternational today and reach the nations with us.