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The Hospitality Center

About This Training

We want to extend a welcoming hand of hospitality to our international friends and their families. There are just under 6,000 international students who are part of the University of Minnesota – Twin Cities every year. We make opportunities for you to serve them in practical ways through resources and hosting in homes. We also organize events and trips that are great for building enriching friendships with one another.

EveryInternational was created to equip North American Christians to reach the millions of internationals that have come for school, work, or other reasons. We have partnered with them to better prepare you to engage in the Great Commission right here in Minneapolis–Saint Paul .

Below you will find a list of carefully curated lessons on important topics that will equip you to be Christ’s ambassador to the nations. It is the hope of EveryInternational and The Hospitality Center that through this course you will grow in your confidence in befriending internationals and sharing your faith with them. The 2 videos we require you to watch are “Changing How You View Missions” and your choice of one of the three Cultural Insights Videos about South Asian, Chinese, or Muslim students. The “Leading a Transferable Bible Study” is an optional video if you begin exploring spiritual topics or begin Bible Studies with a student. For volunteer opportunities click here.

Note: In order to access lessons you must first create an account and then enroll in the course by clicking the "Take This Course" button.

Lessons (13)

What You'll Learn

  • God's heart for the Nations
  • How to build genuine friendships
  • Contextualizing the Gospel
  • Insight into 3 cultures

Discover Our Lessons

Meet the Ministry Leaders

Alexander Profile


Alexander was born in the United Kingdom and currently ministers in Canada. With advanced degrees in theology and ministry and years of ministry experience, Alexander brings wisdom and insight into global campus ministry. In this lesson, Alexander shares how God is using international students to redefine missions.

Severin Profile


Severin has experienced first-hand the impact international students can have for Christ when they return home. After becoming a Christian as an international student, Severin’s sister returned to Kenya to share the gospel with him. Severin also became an international student, and his life was further transformed through discipleship abroad. With nearly 20 years of experience in ministry to internationals, Severin uses scripture to challenge and encourage others to love the foreigner as God does.

Rich Profile Photo


One of the most respected international student ministry leaders in North America, Rich has spent four decades reaching internationals in Ohio. He challenges to consider unreached people groups that make up 42% of the world’s population. Rich uses the book of Acts to explain that international student ministry is not new. He then tells stories that capture the exponential impact that international students can make for Jesus.

Marc profile


Marc has been in ministry for over 30 years. He is currently the director of International Student Ministry for InterVarsity. Marc shares his journey of recognizing how being a white male affects not only how he sees the world, but also how he does ministry. Learn why our posture toward others must be one of equality and mutuality, and consider the importance of ministering with internationals rather than to or for them. 

Chris Profile Photo


Over the past two decades Chris has worked with students in East Asia, North America, and Western Europe. He has experienced that people operate in one of three cultural operating systems: fear/power, guilt/innocence, or honor/shame. Most gospel presentations focus on guilt-innocence but most international students come from honor/shame cultures. In this lesson, Chris introduces Honor Restored, a new digital evangelistic tool for honor-shame cultures.

Jovin Profile Photo


In the 1990s, Jovin journeyed from Ghana to the US for graduate studies. She now serves as a regional leader of a campus ministry and has a unique ability to cross cultures to build lasting, trust-filled relationships. In this lesson, Jovin offers profound insight in how to build and sustain relationships across cultures. She utilizes cultural experts and her own experiences to challenge us to live generous lives that clearly point internationals to Jesus.

Blake Profile


Blake has ministered to internationals for more than a decade. His family often hosts internationals from various cultures. As these international students live with them, they grow in their understanding of Biblical hospitality. Blake shares about the unique opportunity to host students for a holiday meal. Learn how to prepare for your international guest, how to be an includer and a guide, and how to be a good steward of these relationships after they visit.

LeeAnn Profile Photo

Lea Ann

Lea Ann loves to welcome, serve and befriend international students. In this lesson, she contrasts the anxiety she felt on her first trip to Ethiopia with the peace that came through her local guide. How can we be comforting guides as we welcome and befriend international students? Lea Ann provides practical tips on how to meet internationals and build trusting relationships.

Ryan Profile Photo


Years ago Ryan had a lot of misconceptions about India. But friendships with many South Asian students gave him a deep love for one of the least reach parts of the world. Well informed with unique insights, Ryan challenges us to be intentional and immersive learners of South Asians. Prepare to be stretched in mind and heart as you learn to take intentional steps into this wonderful and diverse culture.

Tiffany Profile Photo


Tiffany grew up in East Asia then spent years working with Chinese students in an Ivy League school. She offers a profound historical and contemporary explanation of Chinese students in North America. Her hope is to equip you to understand this “WeChat” generation that they might become world leaders, burdened with the love of Christ.

Davood Profile Photo


Davood grew up as a Muslim in Central Asia but later came to Christ. In this talk he suggests that the barriers preventing Muslims from following Jesus are not primarily intellectual but emotional. He explains how to address fundamental heart issues with practical tips on sharing Jesus’ love with your Muslim friends.

How will God use you in the life of an international?

EveryInternational® aims to help you grow in your confidence in befriending internationals and sharing your faith with them. After completing a course you become eligible for free distance coaching to help you continue your ministry journey.

Join EveryInternational today and reach the nations with us.