Customized Course

The Local Church

How will God use your church?

EveryInternational exists to equip Christians to reach the nations through internationals. We believe that the church has the resources to give every international an opportunity to hear the gospel of Jesus.

However, many Christians remain apathetic or unaware of the need. Some want to be involved but they just don’t have the training.

EveryInternational wants to help you mobilize your congregation to be a part of the Great Commission. We will learn about your church and ministry goals to formulate a customized course.

Customized Course Page Includes

A welcome video from church leader

Tailored learning goals

Your church name in the URL

Ability to create an account or login from your page

Your church logo

10-14 curated lessons

Access to track course engagement

Additional content available on main website

Hear from Other Churches and Ministries

"Utilizing the customized course from EveryInternational has been a game changer for our ministry in equipping the local Church to reach international students. It's been such a help to know that we can send any of our friendship partners or ISM volunteers a link to our customized course, track their progress, and know that they've completed our recommended courses before they begin serving with our ministry. Rather than asking new volunteers to wait to receive in-person training at certain times throughout the year, they can complete this onboarding process at their own convenience 24/7! Plus, the selection of courses to choose from is outstanding! We're so thankful for our customized course through EveryInternational! It's a wonderful asset to our ministry!"

Katie Palani Director of Helping International Students (HIS), Manhattan, KS

"We are so grateful for the customized EveryInternational course our church has made available on our website. We have a Friendship Partners program which matches an American with an international student or spouse. At our recent orientation, the coordinator asked each American to access EI and learn as much as possible about their international partner's culture. I have worked with internationals for years, but recently I watched a session on welcoming internationals. It was encouraging to hear a wide variety of free activities to enjoy with new students to introduce them to America. I gained many new ideas. Thank you for EI! It is a valuable resource! "

Christ Community Church Ames, Iowa

"EveryInternational has been an incredible resource for our Apartment Life coordinators, who work with a diverse range of residents in our communities. The insights and training provided have given us a deeper understanding of different cultures, equipping us to reach out in ways that are both meaningful and compassionate. It's not just about learning, but truly loving our neighbors across all demographics—transforming communities with intentional acts of kindness and care"

Apartment Life National faith-based organization

"With 4 full-time staff and 1200 international students involved in our ministry of "setting the table" for international students and volunteers to connect, we could not have done any of this without nearly 400 amazing volunteers. EveryInternational has played a huge part in getting our volunteers both excited and equipped to share the love of Jesus with international students. We've appreciated the flexibility of both encouraging volunteers to watch training videos on their own time and schedule, watching EveryInternational videos in-person with volunteers at training events, and making use of the print documents on the EveryInternational website. We are grateful to God for the work of Every International and how it has encouraged and prepared our volunteers to intentionally share life and the gospel with the nations here in the Twin Cities."

The Hospitality Center Local International Student Ministry

Email us at [email protected] with questions or to request a free consultation.

How will God use you in the life of an international?

EveryInternational® aims to help you grow in your confidence in befriending internationals and sharing your faith with them. After completing a course you become eligible for free distance coaching to help you continue your ministry journey.

Join EveryInternational today and reach the nations with us.