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About This Training

The nations of the world are studying, working, and living in Birmingham, AL! God has orchestrated world history to bring people from around the world here. EveryInternational was created to equip North American Christians to reach these millions of internationals. We have partnered with them to better prepare our church and volunteers to engage in the Great Commission right here in Birmingham. Over 1,700 international students, scholars, and workers are just at UAB, and we want to give each of them the opportunity to encounter the love of God. Below you will find a list of carefully curated lessons on important topics that will equip you to be Christ’s ambassador to the nations. It is the hope of EveryInternational and Briarwood Presbyterian Church that through this course you will grow in your confidence in befriending internationals and sharing your faith and life with them.

Note: In order to access lessons you must first create an account and then enroll in the course by clicking the "Take This Course" button.

Lessons (10)

What You'll Learn

  • God’s heart for the nation
  • How to show hospitality towards internationals
  • Insights into developing and sending out Godly leaders to the nations

Discover Our Lessons

Meet the Ministry Leaders

Rich Profile Photo


One of the most respected international student ministry leaders in North America, Rich has spent four decades reaching internationals in Ohio. He challenges to consider unreached people groups that make up 42% of the world’s population. Rich uses the book of Acts to explain that international student ministry is not new. He then tells stories that capture the exponential impact that international students can make for Jesus.

Kevin Profile Photo


Kevin has worked with students in Russia and throughout North America. He knows well the challenges and barriers to engaging new cultures. He shares candidly about times when fear or ignorance became barriers to reaching across cultural barriers. Hear how we can overcome these barriers, even if it means being covered in spicy Russian mustard!

Denis Profile Photo


Denis has devoted his life to practicing, studying, and teaching what it means to be effective in different cultures. He suggests that reaching internationals involves more than bi-cultural or cross-cultural effectiveness. Instead, we need to be effective transculturally–to understand and engage multiple cultures simultaneously. Denis describes what it means to “wear different hats” to be effective with diverse student groups and explains three primary cultural operating systems.

Jovin Profile Photo


In the 1990s, Jovin journeyed from Ghana to the US for graduate studies. She now serves as a regional leader of a campus ministry and has a unique ability to cross cultures to build lasting, trust-filled relationships. In this lesson, Jovin offers profound insight in how to build and sustain relationships across cultures. She utilizes cultural experts and her own experiences to challenge us to live generous lives that clearly point internationals to Jesus.

Blake Profile


Blake has ministered to internationals for more than a decade. His family often hosts internationals from various cultures. As these international students live with them, they grow in their understanding of Biblical hospitality. Blake shares about the unique opportunity to host students for a holiday meal. Learn how to prepare for your international guest, how to be an includer and a guide, and how to be a good steward of these relationships after they visit.

Paula Profile Photo


For over twenty years, Paula has welcomed international students into her home in California. She’s held leadership roles in both church and international student ministry organizations. Paula loves to promote prayer and help churches and individuals grow in loving the internationals in their midst. In her first lesson she provides practical tips for ministry and simple suggestions on using your home to serve internationals. In her second lesson, Paula shares how to grow in prayer and how to encourage prayer among your international friends.

LeeAnn Profile Photo

Lea Ann

Lea Ann loves to welcome, serve and befriend international students. In this lesson, she contrasts the anxiety she felt on her first trip to Ethiopia with the peace that came through her local guide. How can we be comforting guides as we welcome and befriend international students? Lea Ann provides practical tips on how to meet internationals and build trusting relationships.

gloria profile


Gloria comes from the multicultural country of Malaysia and has always enjoyed working cross-culturally. An experienced ESL instructor, her passion for reaching internationals also comes from her experience as an international student. Gloria knows firsthand what it is like to receive the unconditional love of Christians, and she desires to share that love with other internationals. Gloria and her husband share this love by frequently opening their home to internationals.

Yaw profile


A former international student from Ghana, Yaw, is a physician, pastor, and president of International Student Ministries Canada. He has ministered in nearly 40 countries. In this lesson, Yaw shares his experience of helping students grow from friendship into disciples and leaders. You will learn how to select whom to invest in and the nine pillars that must be present in order to intentionally and properly develop godly, effectual global emerging leaders. 

Heidi Profile


Heidi was born in Germany but studied in Switzerland and the Netherlands before landing in the 1990 to minister to international students. With extensive experience in helping students to return home as faithful Christians, Heidi serves on the ReMinD (Reentry Ministry Directors) team. In this lesson, Heidi draws on two stories of former international students to explain what helps students continue in their faith after returning home.

How will God use you in the life of an international?

EveryInternational® aims to help you grow in your confidence in befriending internationals and sharing your faith with them. After completing a course you become eligible for free distance coaching to help you continue your ministry journey.

Join EveryInternational today and reach the nations with us.