Growing in International Ministry

Course Content

If you’ve already spent time investing in internationals our intermediate course will help you grow in your ministry effectiveness. Designed for those with 1-4 years of experience, this course will move you forward from where you have felt stuck and will challenge you to take new steps of faith.

Lessons (12)

What You'll Learn

  • Insight into unreached people groups
  • Detailed approaches to reaching three people groups
  • New tools for ministry
  • The unique discipleship needs of an international

Discover Our Lessons

Meet the Ministry Leaders

Rich Profile Photo


One of the most respected international student ministry leaders in North America, Rich has spent four decades reaching internationals in Ohio. He challenges to consider unreached people groups that make up 42% of the world’s population. Rich uses the book of Acts to explain that international student ministry is not new. He then tells stories that capture the exponential impact that international students can make for Jesus.

Ryan Profile Photo


Years ago Ryan had a lot of misconceptions about India. But friendships with many South Asian students gave him a deep love for one of the least reach parts of the world. Well informed with unique insights, Ryan challenges us to be intentional and immersive learners of South Asians. Prepare to be stretched in mind and heart as you learn to take intentional steps into this wonderful and diverse culture.

Tiffany Profile Photo


Tiffany grew up in East Asia then spent years working with Chinese students in an Ivy League school. She offers a profound historical and contemporary explanation of Chinese students in North America. Her hope is to equip you to understand this “WeChat” generation that they might become world leaders, burdened with the love of Christ.

Paula Profile Photo


For over twenty years, Paula has welcomed international students into her home in California. She’s held leadership roles in both church and international student ministry organizations. Paula loves to promote prayer and help churches and individuals grow in loving the internationals in their midst. In her first lesson she provides practical tips for ministry and simple suggestions on using your home to serve internationals. In her second lesson, Paula shares how to grow in prayer and how to encourage prayer among your international friends.

Chris Profile Photo


Over the past two decades Chris has worked with students in East Asia, North America, and Western Europe. He has experienced that people operate in one of three cultural operating systems: fear/power, guilt/innocence, or honor/shame. Most gospel presentations focus on guilt-innocence but most international students come from honor/shame cultures. In this lesson, Chris introduces Honor Restored, a new digital evangelistic tool for honor-shame cultures.

Valerie Profile Photo


Working with international students in New York City has given Valerie a wealth of experiences. She loves to equip students and volunteers with a simple yet powerful way of studying the Bible. The Discovery Bible study method has been used in church planting movements around the globe and is now being used to equip internationals for a lifetime of effective ministry. Valerie explains this Bible study method and how you can begin using it today with internationals.

Leiton profile


Leiton has mobilized churches to reach international students for over forty years. With heartfelt sincerity he shares insight from experience mobilizing two very different churches to reach internationals. In this lesson, Leiton outlines how your church can start a new ministry that will lead to both giving and receiving a blessing.

Heidi Profile


Heidi was born in Germany but studied in Switzerland and the Netherlands before landing in the 1990 to minister to international students. With extensive experience in helping students to return home as faithful Christians, Heidi serves on the ReMinD (Reentry Ministry Directors) team. In this lesson, Heidi draws on two stories of former international students to explain what helps students continue in their faith after returning home.

Alexander Profile


Alexander was born in the United Kingdom and currently ministers in Canada. With advanced degrees in theology and ministry and years of ministry experience, Alexander brings wisdom and insight into global campus ministry. In this lesson, Alexander shares how God is using international students to redefine missions.

Yaw profile


A former international student from Ghana, Yaw, is a physician, pastor, and president of International Student Ministries Canada. He has ministered in nearly 40 countries. In this lesson, Yaw shares his experience of helping students grow from friendship into disciples and leaders. You will learn how to select whom to invest in and the nine pillars that must be present in order to intentionally and properly develop godly, effectual global emerging leaders. 

Davood Profile Photo


Davood grew up as a Muslim in Central Asia but later came to Christ. In this talk he suggests that the barriers preventing Muslims from following Jesus are not primarily intellectual but emotional. He explains how to address fundamental heart issues with practical tips on sharing Jesus’ love with your Muslim friends.

How will God use you in the life of an international?

EveryInternational® aims to help you grow in your confidence in befriending internationals and sharing your faith with them. After completing a course you become eligible for free distance coaching to help you continue your ministry journey.

Join EveryInternational today and reach the nations with us.